February 27, 2012

Drastically Lower Windows 8 SKU Options

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Windows 8Windows 8 will be coming soon (we hope) and the tech world is in a frenzy. Windows 7 was one of the best operating systems released by Microsoft and was a much welcomed change over its previous iteration, Windows Vista. Naturally, Microsoft will be making a few changes here and there to the operating system but one that may catch people off guard is that Microsoft may be making a change to the number of editions, or SKUs, that will be sold to the public.

A couple of different files from HP's website uncovered by ZDNet blogger Stephen Chapman seem to indicate how many different versions of Windows 8 Microsoft is planning on selling to the public. Specifically, these files list the versions of Windows 8 that will be supported by drivers in an HP laptop smart card reader. Suspiciously, HP has already removed these references to the operating system from the files.

Fortunately, Chapman was able to record what the files said, which offered six different versions of Windows 8:

  • Microsoft Windows 8 32 Edition

  • Microsoft Windows 8 64 Edition

  • Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 32 Edition

  • Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 64 Edition

  • Microsoft Windows 8 Professional 32 Edition

  • Microsoft Windows 8 Professional 64 Edition

Individual consumers will most likely be interested in the standard 32 and 64 editions of Windows 8 with the Enterprise versions targeting large businesses and the Professional versions targeting small businesses and high-end users. However, it is still not 100% clear as to whether or not these will actually be Windows 8 SKUs. Chapman noted that these names could simply be fill-ins until the actual SKUs are announced, though the specifics are throwing some people off of that idea.

If this is real, then it is obvious that Microsoft is trying to limit the different versions of Windows 8 available to customers. In the past Microsoft has rolled out a lot of different versions of its operating systems, with some of the more complicated ones being Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows 7 came with six different SKUs: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate with 5 of those 6 coming in both 32 and 64 bit versions, making a grand total of 11 different versions.

Vista was exactly the same with 32 and 64 bit versions of Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate, Business and Enterprise with the Starter version (like Windows 7) only coming in a 32 bit version. If the HP files tell the truth, this should be a good step for Microsoft in limiting the number of SKUs. Fewer choices mean less confusion, less confusion means happier customers, happier customers means more business. The Windows 8 beta is said to start this Wednesday so maybe Microsoft will unveil something then.

Source: CNET - Microsoft may limit the number of Windows 8 editions
ZDNet - Windows 8 SKUs mentioned on HP.com

February 24, 2012

Samsung Unveils New Quad-Core Exynos Processors

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Samsung has just displayed a new processor at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference. The new Exynos chip will be available in dual-core or quad-core configurations with 200MHz to 1.5GHz frequencies. In addition to that, the new Exynos chip is a 32nm part unlike the current Exynos chip which is only a 45nm process. This smaller footprint also means that the chip will have a higher performance and less power consumption for the same clock speeds.

Samsung is pairing this new chip with the latest version of the company's very own graphics chip, which has 4 pixel processors and 1 geometry engine with 128 KB L2 cache. The graphics will also support OpenGL ES 2.0 and can also generate up to 57 MPolygons/s. Considering that Samsung recently announced new low power DDR3 memory, it isn't surprising to see that this CPU also has support for LPDDR2 or DDR3.

According to the company, this chip will be able to deliver up to 26% more performance than the current Exynos chip and will also be able to deliver battery life improvements of up to 50% with a 45% power save for CPU tasks and 48% for 3D calculations. These comparisons seem to be made with the dual-core chip and it will also be interesting to see how the quad-core chip compares. Samsung is expected to officially announce the chips at the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona so we will surely find more information there.

It is also expected that Samsung will begin shipping these chips to customers and retailers in the next couple of months, bringing quad-core performance with more battery life to all. Samsung has also stated that this new version of the Exynos was designed with power consumption in mind unlike the current chip which was built around performance.

Source: Engadget - Samsung demos new 32nm quad-core Exynos ahead of MWC
Unwired View - Samsung shows off quad-core Exynos processor

Security Camera Solutions

February 20, 2012

The Key For Healthy Lifestyle

by , in

·1        Healthy food is essential.
You are what you eat, so if you eat healthy, you are healthy. If you're just starting to have a healthy lifestyle, you probably don't know healthy food.Food that is low in fat content is good. Unless that fat is poly-unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, or omega 3. These are some of the good fats. Some of the bad fats are trans and saturated fats. These fats raise your LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol. The good fats lower your LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol.
  • Low sugar content is another plus.. Sucrose is the bad kind of sugar. Glucose is the good kind of sugar. Both are sugar, so both are classified as sugar, on the label. For example, raisins that don't have sugar added still have a lot of sugar, but it's a naturally occurring sugar, fructose. Any ingredient on a food label ended with "ose" is a type of sugar.
  • Eat a variety of food. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, which you need, but you still need some other vitamins and minerals. For example, not much protein comes from fruits or vegetables. Meat, beans, and tofu are good sources of protein. If you can't get your vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, you can always take a multivitamin.
·  2      Exercise is key for a healthy lifestyle as well.
 Go to the gym every once in a while, or daily. Or take a run around your neighborhood. Even taking your dog for a walk is good. So long as it's routine, about an hour, and is at least moderately active. Frequent and routine exercise everyday helps boost the immune system; helps prevent the “disease of affluence” such as: heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also improves mental health, and prevent depression.

·  3      Dedication.
 It's not easy to go from a couch potato to a healthy person. Don't be discouraged if you have to satisfy your cravings for ice cream, hamburgers, etc. As long as you don't have a steady diet of unhealthy food, it won't hurt you too much.

·  4      Don't yo-yo diet!
Yo-yo dieting is bad for you and even if they sound healthy, once you stop that diet you can pile on the weight in just a couple of days! Stay away from Slimfast, soup diets and diets which you have to eat or drink contents from a packet.

·  5      Don't abuse your body.
Don't work out too much because it can cause your body to not function properly when you work out. It is best to leave a day or two off to get back your energy.

·  6      Regulate your weight.
Being too fat or skinny isn't good for you. Your doctor can tell you if you are under or over weight. Exercise and the food you eat can change your weight, so keep that in mind.

·  7      Stay Clean.
Everyone should have 1 shower per day. Have another if you have had a particularly hot or sweaty time. Put on an antiperspirant after your shower. Change your underwear and socks every day, too.

·  8      Enjoy Yourself for healthy lifestyle.
Don't stress yourself over anything. Have fun! Stress can tense your muscles, which will make you feel unhappy and unwell. If you worry too much about your health, you'll be making it worse, so just relax once in a while.
February 10, 2012

How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally

by , in

Please consult a medical professional before starting any alternative treatments. This is considered a preventative/proactive measure as well as a treatment method.
If you are particularly sensitive or resistant to the medications available for the treatment of yeast infections, this may help.


  1.   Buy some natural yogurt, unsweetened with active cultures. You can find this at most any grocery store.
  2.   Pick up a children's dose medicine syringe from a pharmacy. Make sure it is the larger sized, for bigger doses. They do not come with needles.
  3.   At home, put some of the yogurt into a cup and refrigerate the rest.
  4.   Fill the syringe with 1-2Tbsp of yogurt.
  5.   In the bathroom, position yourself as if you were to insert a tampon.
  6.   Insert the syringe slowly into the vagina as far as is comfortable.
  7.   Dispense all the yogurt inside the vagina.
  8.   Be sure to wash out the syringe with soap and water and allow it to dry thoroughly.
  9.   Apply twice a day, especially before bedtime.


  • WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY both before and after this procedure.
  • If the infection is particularly bothersome, use more yogurt as it will both cool the burning and apply more of the active cultures to the infection.
  • If the treatment seems messy, feel free to use pantyliners or pads during duration.
  • EAT yogurt with active cultures twice a day during this treatment. It will help re-introduce the good bacteria your body needs by internal and external measures.
  • *  This is also a good, FAST way to re-balance your pH during times of stress.
Click for more info

 Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally.  All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

February 09, 2012


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Especially for us who have young children....

Very useful tips for parents and grandparents, baby sitters, aunties and uncles:

FYI. Especially those who have young children, sharing this knowledge.
A Family wrote about the incident of their child.

Early this morning at about 4am, my eldest daughter was complaining and cry-saying that she felt pain in her ear. I tried to calm her down and persuaded her to let me have a look at it but she refused and showed us her stubbornness and tormented her anger at us.

I can see why, as I saw pain in her little eyes. It was a scary incident for us as we're worried and got no clue of what is the cause of it and what to do. So I decided to call my sister-in-law whom is a doctor for advice. She told me to pour baby oil into my daughter's ear. After a while of persuasion, I finally manage to calm her down and pour baby oil into her ear. She then manage to go back to her sleep.

Next morning, she woke up without complain and went to her usual Sunday Class. I thought everything was ok. But,when she came back from school, she complained to me that she found difficulty in hearing clearly. I quickly took her to ENT Specialist. In my heart was asking questions on whether is it due to the oil that I poured last night and hence, it affected her drum? The thought of it scares me.

When it's our turn to see the doctor, I explained to the doctor on last night incident. The doctor then inserted a small wire, which is also known to be a tiny camera into my daughter's ear. I was amazed when he showed me on the TV screen, the leg of an insect and told me that was the cause of the pain and hearing problem. He then inserted another kind of wire to suck the insect out. He told me that luckily I poured baby oil into my daughter's ear quick enough, otherwise the "alive insect" could go deeper and it can damage her ear.

He told us what we did was a right thing to do as baby oils or cooking oils will kill the insect. However, after doing so, we must quickly visit the nearest doctor, to take it out. Do not wait any longer. I was relieved and thankful that nothing happens to my daughter, even though we took our time to see the doctor, after putting the baby oil in her ear.
February 06, 2012

Google Steals Senior Apple Executive for Project

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Simon PrakashGoogle is definitely one of the most prominent and influential technology businesses in the world. I can't think of anybody who doesn't use the Google search engine on a daily basis and the features like Gmail, Google+, Google Docs and others make the site all the more accessible for everybody.

Being the technological giant that it is, it isn't surprising that Google is always scouting for new talent, trying to get the very best possible employees on its team. In many cases this results in Google stealing some of the best and brightest minds in the industry away from other companies, including the almighty Apple.

Apple is the most recent victim of a Google acquisition as the Cupertino company has just lost its Senior Director of Project Integrity Simon Prakash to Google. At the moment it is unclear why exactly Google wants or needs Prakash. It could be for some new intellectual property or it could be to simply weaken Apple by stealing away a great mind. VentureBeat has noted that the project Prakash was brought on for is, unsurprisingly, a secret one.

In addition to that, VentureBeat says that this is the first time that Google has been able to convince a senior employee to leave Apple. There are many reasons for that. One could be that Google never made a good enough offer but I'm betting that people were just too afraid to walk out on Steve Jobs. What's more interesting is that this job deal comes right at the time the Department of Justice is investigating both Apple and Google, as well as a host of other companies, for having a proposed agreement to not go after each other's employees. It is rumored that this agreement was put in place to keep salaries in the industry low while also limiting competition.

Prakash has worked at Apple for the last eight years and was also responsible for product quality across all of the company's product lines. It has also been said that Prakash started his employment at Google today. Given his past at Apple, Prakash may very well be in charge of overseeing Motorola's Android devices though this is just speculation.

Source: Slash Gear - Google swipes Apple senior director of project integrity
Engadget - Report: Google hires Apple exec to work on 'secret project'
VentureBeat - Google hires a senior director at Apple for a top secret project (exclusive)

Short-throw projectors only require half the projection distance of traditional projectors. The projector can be placed just a foot or so from the screen. This is nice because it keeps the projector and screen near each other instead of having a long throw projector that people can accidentally block.
February 03, 2012

Steve Appleton, CEO of Micron, Dies in Plane Crash

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In a very sad announcement, it has been discovered that CEO and Chairman of the Board at Micron Steve Appleton died in a plane crash earlier this morning in Boise, Idaho. 51-year old Appleton was in the process of flying an experimental fixed-wing plane at the time of the accident.

According to a statement from Micron regarding the loss, "Steve's passion and energy left an indelible mark on Micron, the Idaho community and the technology industry at large." Appleton had been working for Micron for 29 years since he started in 1983 and had served the company as a Production Manager, Director of Manufacturing, Vice President of Manufacturing and Chief Operating Officer.

Based in Boise, the company is the largest memory chip manufacturer in the United States and one of the largest in the world. Micron has plants scattered across several states including Idaho, Utah and Virginia and also operates a joint manufacturing venture with Intel. Micron, for those who don't recognize the name, is responsible for brands like Lexar as well as Crucial.

Mr. Appleton began work for Micron when he was only 22, where he worked the overnight shift at the company's factory. From there he climbed the ranks until he reached the top spot of Micron CEO in 1994. However, Micron wasn't Appleton's only venture as the CEO was also a stunt pilot, triathlete and tennis player.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Appleton's friends, family and coworkers in this difficult time.

Source: CNET - Micron CEO Steve Appleton dies in plane crash
USA Today - Micron CEO Steve Appleton dies in crash of small plane

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