March 29, 2015

Women looking to jump-start their sex life may want to spend more time in bed.

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Women looking to jump-start their sex life may want to spend more time in bed.

That's the conclusion of a new study that suggests that each additional hour of sleep increased by 14 percent the likelihood a woman would engage in sexual activity with a partner the next day.

"Our study showed that good sleep is important for healthy sexual desire and arousal in women, even when women are psychiatrically and medically healthy," said study author David Kalmbach, a researcher at the University of Michigan Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory.

March 29, 2015

Myth busters on healthy eating.

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myth busters on healthy
As you may know, not fueling up with the right
nutrients can affect how well your body performs
and your overall fitness benefits.  Even though
healthy eating is important, there are myths that
hinder your performance if you listen to them.

Below, you'll find some myth busters on healthy

1.  Working out on an empty stomach.
If you hear a rumbling noise in your stomach, the
rumbling is trying to tell you something.  Without
listening to them, you are forcing your body to
run without any fuel.  Before you exercise or do
any physical activity, always eat a light snack
such as an apple.

2.  Relying on energy bars and drinks.
Although they are fine every once in a while, they
don't deliver the antioxidants you need to prevent
cancer.  Fruits and vegetables are your best bets,
as they are loaded in vitamins, minerals, fluid,
and fiber.

3.  Not enough calories
Although losing weight involves calories, losing
it too quickly is never safe.  What you should do,
is aim for 1 - 2 pounds a week.  Always make sure
that you are getting enough calories to keep your
body operating smoothly.  If you start dropping
weight too fast, eat a bit more food.

4.  Low carb diets.
Your body needs carbohydrates for your muscles and
the storing of energy. 

5.  Eating what you want.
Eating healthy and exercising doesn't give you an
all access pass to eat anything you want.  Everyone
needs the same nutrients whether they exercise or
not, as well as fruits and vegetables.

6. Skipping breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is never a good idea, as
breakfast starts the day.  Your body needs fuel
as soon as possible, and without it, you'll be
hungry throughout the day.

7.  Skip soda and alcohol.
Water, milk, and juice is the best to drink for
active people.  You should drink often, and not
require on thirst to be an indicator.  By the time
you get thirsty, your body is already running a
bit too low.
March 24, 2015

Computer and Network Security: Why It's Important

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Any business, whether long standing or just starting out, needs an adequate view and understanding of network security. Any kind of business or corporation keeps lists of vendors, customers and their accounts, budget access and spending, and more within their secured networks. This is all vital information that is, essentially, the lifeblood of any company. When you have assets at risk, such as developmental research, it's important to have a network security system in place that you're entire company knows how to work and is informed on.

Security within a company goes way beyond the night watch guard in the parking lot. It also goes beyond one simple technology. It's a unique system that has to be appropriated piece by piece so that each branch of the company's security works in tandem with each other.

Computer security, albeit just one aspect of security as a whole, is arguably the biggest portion of company security and integrity. Think about it. All of the information within your company is stored on servers that employees access and have certain control over. That security can be taken advantage of through employees however. Whether an employee has malicious intent through his actions or not, it's still a concern that needs to be noted.

Firewalls, data encryption, controlled access, and more need to be added within a proper security network in order to maintain optimal online company security. Computer company Dell is now offering a network security suite program intended to cover all online security fronts. Many security companies on the market offer excellent security measures, but it's odd to see an actual computer company offering the same type of services.

The new Dell Endpoint Security Suite is utilizing interconnected programs and capabilities such as threat detection and protection, authentication services, and encryption on all employee computing devices. Dell is looking to offer services such as data encryption instead of complete hard drive encryption. Brett Hansen, the executive director of end user computing software and mobility at Dell, made a very valid point against full hard drive encryption. Hansen expressed that should a password be lost to the hard drive, the entire disk has basically lost its use. He also claimed that during full disk encryption, entire programs become encrypted. Thus when a program needs to be updated, the entire thing must be decrypted for it to update properly. This, of course, can take a lot of valuable time.

This is just a taste of what the security protocols on the new Dell Endpoint Security Suite can do and, by the looks if it, you may want to take advantage of it. Apple has had its share of certain people trying to gain access to the security of their devices. The CIA has actually been attempting to decrypt Apple's processors and Xcode in order to create back doors to different applications and programs within the Apple operating systems.

Between people like the CIA trying to hack into Apple device security so that they may have "lawful electronic surveillance" become more possible and  employees intentionally or unintentionally putting your company's information and data at risk, it's easy to see why your company's network security is so important. Your company's information is invaluable, so make sure you have all of your bases covered.

Sources located here, here and here.

March 14, 2015

This is what happens when social media sites go too far

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From Ray Ray, gardener and YouTube star: "This is what happens when social media sites go too far. Mr Zuckerberg, there are certain things you (Facebook) can NOT have from me."

March 08, 2015

Facebook Launches Suicide Prevention Initiative - WSJ video

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Facebook is partnering with suicide prevention organizations on a new tool to identify people in distress. Forefront research scientist Ursula Whiteside discusses the project with Sara Murray.

March 07, 2015

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory"

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March 05, 2015

Most cancers caused by "bad luck" in cell division and "poor repair" of the defect

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Researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied 31 different cancers. Of those, just 9 were found to be linked to bad genetics or unhealthy lifestyle choices. However, researchers excluded two of the most common cancers from their study, breast cancer and prostate cancer (published in the journal Science).

The most common cause of the production of most cancerous cells occurs when one chemical letter in DNA is incorrectly swapped for another during stem cell division. Scientists found that cancer rates were higher in parts of the body where cells are quickest to regenerate, thereby creating more random mutations.

Genetic mutations that randomly crop up as our stem cells divide are “the major contributors to cancer overall, often more important than either hereditary or external environmental factors.”

BBC: New research suggests most types of cancer are the result of bad luck, rather than unhealthy lifestyles, diet or even inherited genes.


Study concludes that many cancers caused by bad luck in cell division | Fox News
Besides Lifestyle and Inherited Genes, Cancer Risk Also Tied to Bad Luck - WSJ
March 04, 2015

Ironstrength, the Doctor's Total-Body Exercise Routine - New York Times video

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Dr. Jordan Metzl is a sports medicine physician who developed an extreme total-body workout routine called Ironstrength. He now teaches free exercise classes all around New York City. Produced by: Colin Archdeacon.

March 03, 2015

Myelodysplastic Syndromes / Myeloproliferative Disorders

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What are myelodysplastic syndromes?

Myelodysplastic syndromes are clonal marrow stem-cell disorders, characterized by ineffective hemopoiesis leading to blood cytopenias, and by progression to acute myeloid leukemia in a third of patients.

Who is affected?

15% of cases occur after chemotherapy or radiotherapy for a previous cancer. The syndromes are most common in elderly people.

What is the cause?

The pathophysiology involves cytogenetic changes with or without gene mutations and widespread gene hypermethylation at advanced stages.

What are the symptoms?

Clinical manifestations result from cytopenias (anemia, infection, and bleeding).

How to make the diagnosis?

Diagnosis is based on examination of blood and bone marrow showing blood cytopenias and hypercellular marrow with dysplasia, with or without excess of blasts. Prognosis depends largely on the marrow blast percentage, number and extent of cytopenias, and cytogenetic abnormalities.

What is the treatment?

Treatment of patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes, especially for anaemia, includes growth factors, lenalidomide, and transfusions.

Treatment of higher-risk patients is with hypomethylating agents and, whenever possible, allogeneic stem-cell transplantation.

In this first video in the series, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms 2015 - Mayo Clinic, Ruben Mesa, M.D., professor and hematologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, discusses the treatment and management of myeloproliferative neoplasms as well as shares highlights from the 56th Annual American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting in San Francisco, December 2014.

Here is the complete playlist:


Myelodysplastic syndromes : The Lancet

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