December 31, 2015

Google Glass 2.0 to launch. 74 articles in PubMed on Glass 1.0, some of them rather curious - have a look

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Google Glass 1.0 (the first version available to consumers) was a failure in terms of social acceptance and commercial appeal. Yes, there are more than 70 articles in PubMed about Google Glass as of December 2015 but the device never got traction and most of publicity around it was decidedly negative. The second version aims to change that. Here is more information about Google Glass 2.0 from the WSJ:

Here is something not to try:

Texting while driving using Google Glass™: Promising but not distraction-free.
He J, Choi W, McCarley JS, Chaparro BS, Wang C.
Accid Anal Prev. 2015 Aug;81:218-29. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.03.033. Epub 2015 May 26.

And of course, there is this:

Google Glass liability risks.
Frankel J.
Bull Am Coll Surg. 2015 Feb;100(2):39. No abstract available.

There are potential benefits, of course:

Do you see what I see? Insights from using google glass for disaster telemedicine triage.
Cicero MX, Walsh B, Solad Y, Whitfill T, Paesano G, Kim K, Baum CR, Cone DC.
Prehosp Disaster Med. 2015 Feb;30(1):4-8. doi: 10.1017/S1049023X1400140X. Epub 2015 Jan 9.

Whatever the future application of Google Glass is, there will always be allergies:

GlassAllergy: a Google Glass-based solution to empower patients with skin allergies.
Wiesner M, Pobiruchin M, Hetterich C, Pfeifer D.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014;205:548-52.

If you think people did not like to wear the digital glasses, how about a digital wig?

New Wearable Computers Move Ahead: Google Glass and Smart Wigs.
Klonoff DC.
J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2014 Jan 1;8(1):3-5. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
PMID: 24876529

The question is still open:

Google Glass: a new dimension in surgical education or just another gimmick?
Waxman BP.
ANZ J Surg. 2014 Nov;84(11):810. Review. No abstract available.


PubMed search on Google Glass
December 30, 2015

Lead Contamination of Tea - how much tea is safe to drink per day?

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There is a good explanation in the video below, by Dr. Greger:

Regarding lead contamination of tea from China, his recommendation is to drink no more than 3 cups of black tea per day.
December 21, 2015

Technology Rentals 101: How To Save Your Business Time And Money!

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Technology rentals are a great way to save you and your business a lot of time and money. Temporary, short-term technology rentals are the perfect solutions for your short-term needs. A lot of event professionals and business professionals are constantly going to trade shows, conventions, conferences, and seminars or hosting things like corporate training events or business meetings and all of these situations have a need for short-term technology rentals. But in order to know exactly what it means to rent technology, you need to hear about it from a professional.

Rentacomputer has been in the business of computer, technology, and AV rentals for over 25 years. However, even after all those years, there are still people who don't quite understand how renting technology works and how it can save you and your business time and money. Rentacomputer provides temporary business-to-business technology, such as computer rentals, office equipment rentals, and AV rentals for business events all over the United States, Western Europe, and Australia.

If that sounds interesting, and it should, you can read more about what Rentacomputer does and how it can benefit you and your business here!
December 21, 2015

Malaria - NHS video

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NHS Choices: Malaria is a parasitic infection spread by mosquitoes. This video explains how malaria is treated and what can be done to help prevent contracting the disease.
December 19, 2015

Genes are not really our genes. It is we who belong to them for a few decades

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From OHCM and Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, 1642: "We all labor against our own cure; for death is the cure of all diseases."

Most patients are told less than they want. Yet nothing you can say to your patient can ever be relied upon to tame death's mystery.

Death is nature's master stroke, albeit a cruel one, because it allows genotypes space to try on new phenotypes. Our bodies and minds are these perishable phenotypes.

The genes are not really our genes. It is we who belong to them for a few decades.

These are excerpts from the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Read more on page 6-7:

The OHCM mentions JS Bach's cantata in contemplation of death Ich habe genug (I've had enough):

December 17, 2015

Carbon monoxide - NHSChoices video

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NHSChoices: Carbon monoxide poisoning kills around 50 people a year in the UK. An expert explains how the gas affects the body, the symptoms it causes and how to treat it.
December 17, 2015

Deep Purple are 2016 Rock Hall of Fame Inductees

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From Rock Hall in Cleveland, Ohio:

If there were a “Mount Rushmore Of Hard Rock” it would only have three heads: Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple.

Deep Purple combined outstanding musicianship with dozens of FM radio smashes. Three separate incarnations of the band have made spectacular albums culminating with Deep Purple In Rock, which along with Led Zeppelin II and Black Sabbath’s Paranoid created the genre of hard rock music. Deep Purple have sold over 100 million albums and their flagship track “Smoke On The Water” eclipses “Satisfaction,” “Born To Run” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit” as the Number One Greatest Guitar Riff Of All Time. It is the riff that inspired tens of millions of guitarists to pick up the instrument and only Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony gives it a run for the money as far as recognizability and badassed-ness.

Genius guitarist Ritchie Blackmore fused countless powerhouse riffs with a deep knowledge and appreciation of classical music. Keyboardist Jon Lord kept pace on the classical and rock fronts and cemented the guitar/keyboard axis that defined the band’s sound, and along with Zeppelin and Sabbath gave birth to an entire genre. Ian Gillian’s vocal range was unparalleled and the boiler room rhythm section of Roger Glover and Ian Paice cemented the classic lineup. Original vocalist Rod Evans and the David Coverdale/Glen Hughes lineups also created masterpieces of their own. Deep Purple are and were a band of supremely talented musicians and songwriters. Their groundbreaking albums and ear drum breaking live shows are the stuff of legend.

See more at:

Congratulations to all fans and band members! I would like to think that Deep Purple being featured by University of Chicago helped at least a little bit with the Rock Hall of Fame induction... :)

Rock Star Doctors: What Physicians Can Learn from Musicians « Science Life Blog « University of Chicago Medicine

Thank you, Matt Wood @woodtang

Related reading:

Deep Purple's Ian Paice on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction: 'At Last!'. Rolling Stone, 2015.
Read Lars Ulrich's Passionate Deep Purple Rock Hall Induction, 2016
December 02, 2015

HGST Debuts Ultrastar He10 10TB Helium-Filled Hard Drive

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I bet you never thought you would live to see the day we had 10TB hard drives did you? Well, helium-filled hard drives have finally reached this point by creating the first 10TB hard drives that use conventional recording methods.

Western Digital subsidiary HGST has created the Ultrastar He10 which, interestingly enough, is not the first 10B helium drive. HGST created the first real 10TB hard drive back in the summer. However, this new drive is the only helium drive that has 10TB and uses perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR), the standard recording technology for hard drives over the last 10 years.

The first 10TB drive from HGST used shingled magnetic recording (SMR). SMR uses magnetic tracks that overlap to increase capacity. The downside here is that there is very little guard space between the tracks, which makes rewriting data much more difficult and longer as adjacent tracks may need to be rewritten as well. That is why SMR is better-suited for cold storage as opposed to routine recording.

PMR has some negatives too. The problem with PMR is that is is coming to the limits of its potential capacity. Regardless, HGST has pulled off something quite amazing by stuffing seven platters into a standard 1-inch drive. Helium drives from other companies, like Seagate, top out at 8TB. Both Seagate and HGST have been putting money into new technology known as heat-assisted magnetic recording, which allows for a much higher capacity and is better suited for everyday use though these hard drives won't start showing up until next year at the earliest.

Just like with the earlier helium drives from HGST, the Ultrastar He10 is being marketed at enterprise and server use and will have a price tag of around $800. Compared to air, helium isn't as dense which means that there will be less of a drag on the moving parts of the drive. This decreased friction when combined with hermetic seals that keep out contaminants and humidity allow these drives to run at cooler temperatures than a standard HDD. This will also reduce your energy costs. This makes them perfect for use in servers though the direct impact on consumers will be minimal. Regardless, the larger capacity could benefit the cloud services that we are relying on more and more.

Content originally published here

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