January 31, 2017

Possibly Future Hologram Smartphone Concept

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Your future smartphone could be entirely voice activated, displaying your text messages and other info with holograms. At least, that's the idea behind Alo, a new smartphone concept that imagines a touchscreen-less smartphone.

Alo- Created by French designer Jerome Olivet, ditches the typical smartphone display and instead the voice activated phone will project holograms from its camera to show you messages, or let you watch videos.

The core of the device is molded aluminum alloy, the outer shell is a "gelatinous, supple and natural envelope that perfectly fits in your hand.". Alo will come with an AI assistant that will respond to users voice commands and learn each users speach patterns.

Need a smartphone to hold you off until the holographic market takes off? Rent a smartphone today!

January 26, 2017

TO prevent heartburn

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"Practicing portion-control techniques such as mindful eating and eating slowly can greatly assist in preventing heartburn," Kooi said. Also, "wait at least two to three hours after eating before lying down to allow adequate time for the food to digest.

Consider purchasing a special wedge pillow designed to assist with sleeping on an incline, thereby reducing the risk of bedtime heartburn," Kooi said.

 preventing heartburn
January 26, 2017

Heart-Healthy Diet

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Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet
  • Eat more fruits and veggies.
  • Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta.
  • Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes.
  • Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.

to continue..click this link.......
January 23, 2017

Top 10 Free Software Alternatives

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No one likes spending all that money on those high end software's like Microsoft Office, Photoshop and Sony Vegas Pro, unless you have a company buying the licenses for you. Here are some of the best more affordable apps that will help you get the work done.

  1. GIMP (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  2. Libre Office (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  3. Inkscape (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  4. Blender (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  5. Avira (Free, for Windows) and Sophos (Free, for macOS)
  6. LMMS/Linux MultiMedia Studio (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  7. VirtualBox (Free, for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  8. DaVinci Resolve (Free, for Windows, and macOS)
  9. Linux (FREE OS)
  10. Google Drive (Free, web based)

January 23, 2017

Plan-based Diet and Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death - by Michael Greger, M.D. (video)

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Plan-based Diet and Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death - by Michael Greger, M.D. (video), a lecture and Q&A session at Tompkins County Public Library, Ithaca, NY:

January 20, 2017

New Windows 10 "Game Mode"

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PC gamers are by far the most die hard of gamers, yet most deny Windows 10 for a supposed drop in performance compared to Windows 7. However now Microsoft is promising to optimize gameplay with a new "Game Mode" in its new update. Its extremely vauge on details but on a post by the Xbox team, Game Mode will optimize your Windows 10 PC for increased performance in gaming, and thats basically it.

Want to test out Game Mode when it comes out but dont have a PC? Rent one today.

January 17, 2017

Patient-centered communication: what are the basic skills?

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Communication skills needed for patient-centered care include:

- eliciting the patient's agenda with open-ended questions, especially early on
- not interrupting the patient
- engaging in focused active listening

Practice this at least in the first 60-seconds, the so-called "golden minute".

Understand patient's perspective

Understanding the patient's perspective of the illness and expressing empathy are key features of patient-centered communication.

Understanding the patient's perspective entails exploring the patient's:

- feelings
- ideas
- concerns
- experience regarding the impact of the illness
- expectations from the physician

Patient-centered communication - basic skills (click here to enlarge the image).


Empathy can be expressed by:

- naming the feeling
- communicating understanding, respect, and support
- exploring the patient's illness experience and emotions

Before and after a diagnosis

Before revealing a new diagnosis, the patient's prior knowledge and preferences for the depth of information desired should be assessed.

After disclosing a diagnosis, physicians should explore the patient's emotional response.

Treatment options

Shared decision making empowers patients by inviting them to consider:

- pros and cons of different treatment options
- no treatment

Instead of overwhelming the patient with medical information, small chunks of data should be provided using repeated cycles of the "ask-tell-ask" approach. Using "tell-tell-tell" does not engage patients.


1. Ask permission to start a conversation
3. Ask what the patient thinks about their health
4. Ask questions to find out what the patient already knows
5. Tell the patient information in a way that is easy to understand
6. Gauge the patient’s understanding by asking questions after you tell

What Is “Ask, Tell, Ask”? video:


Patient-Centered Communication: Basic Skills. Hashim MJ. Am Fam Physician. 2017 Jan 1;95(1):29-34.
The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care - “Ask Tell Ask” Sample Curriculum - UCSF
Ask-Tell-Ask: Simple Technique Can Help Hospitalists Communicate Difficult Messages http://buff.ly/2jeNVIN
January 16, 2017

Percentage of U.S. residents with up-to-date screening for colorectal cancer remains at 60% - what options, other than colonoscopy, do we have?

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From the NEJM:

The percentage of U.S. residents with up-to-date screening for colorectal cancer has not increased appreciably since 2010 and remains at approximately 60%. To achieve the highest level of adherence to colorectal cancer screening, it may be best to provide participants a choice, because the “best” strategy is the one that they will adhere to consistently.

The NEJM reviews all the options in this table:


Full article is here:

Screening for Colorectal Neoplasia - Now@NEJM http://buff.ly/2ikfKA0
January 12, 2017

New Opera Made Web Browser Called Neon

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Does your Rented Computer need a  makeover? Well Opera released a new web browser today called Neon that’s meant to try out a bunch of untested design ideas. Neon isn’t close to being ready to replace your main web browser it’s being called a “concept browser” — but it does have some neat ideas that are fun to try out and, in some cases, you can imagine becoming part of a major browser one day.

Neon's homepage looks far different than any other browser's. Although it still has shortcuts to bookmarks and top websites, they are displayed as floating bubbles that are on top of your desktop wallpaper. There is no obvious search engine bar either; there is just a line above all of the floating balls asking you to type something in.

At the point the browser is at now it is too slow and odd to actually become a main browser for most people, but Opera isn't exactly shooting for that. Its real goal is to experiment with new ideas and test new never before seen features. One of the smarter ideas in Neon is built-in support for split-screen browsing. Drag one website’s bubble (its tab) over top of an already open page, and Opera will offer to split your view in two. Their sizes are adjustable, though only one side of the split-screen will respond to other tabs you want to open up — the other side remains more or less fixed.

Visually it is very pleasing. The browser also does away with traditional tabs, replacing them with circular icons on the right hand side of the browser, one for every page you have open. On the left hand side of the browser are a series of browser tools; one for screenshots, another for a gallery containing those screenshots, one for downloads, and finally the most interesting button pulls out an overlay that Opera calls the player. The player collects the songs and videos available to play throughout all of your tabs.

It is now available on macOS and Windows

January 10, 2017

Physician ratings at Cleveland Clinic (video)

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The CEO and the Chief Experience Officer explain the rationale behind the physician ratings at Cleveland Clinic:

Disclaimer: I am an allergist at Cleveland Clinic Florida.
January 06, 2017

Problem solver

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From Italian: Pedro and Domenico jump, but Oreste thinks about it a bit... and finds another solution.
#donkey #problemsolving


This little video even made it to Daily Mail: Donkey shows off his brains by using his TEETH to remove a fence http://buff.ly/2iYmpzn
January 06, 2017

Gadgets Galore - Best of CES 2017

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From WSJ: As the tech world reveals the products that will impact the year ahead, Personal Tech columnists Geoffrey A. Fowler and Joanna Stern hunt for the most exciting and unusual, from AR glasses to breast pumps (video is below):


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